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5 part auto hematology analyzer bk 6310

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Prețul analizorului automat de hematologie al contorului automat de celule sanguine din 3 părți pentru hemoragie completă

Prețul analizorului automat de hematologie al contorului automat de celule sanguine din 3 părți pentru hemoragie completă

Full Blood Count: MAIKONG Auto Hematology Analyzer We design Auto Hematology Analyzer to meet high demands of modern laboratories. MAIKONG’s 3-part blood cell counter combines advanced technology, accuracy, and efficiency to simplify hematology diagnostics. Compact, lightweight, and user-friendly, this analyzer delivers reliable full blood count results every time. Why Choose MAIKONG’s Auto Hematology Analyzer? Efficient Throughput Processes up to 60 …