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automated da-6

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MKMSLDA04 مڪمل طور تي خودڪار خشڪ بايو ڪيميڪل تجزيه ڪندڙ انساني يا ويٽ استعمال لاء بهترين قيمت سان

MKMSLDA04 مڪمل طور تي خودڪار خشڪ بايو ڪيميڪل تجزيه ڪندڙ انساني يا ويٽ استعمال لاء بهترين قيمت سان

Efficient and Compact: The MAIKONG MKMSLDA04 Fully Automatic Dry Biochemical Analyzer MAIKONG MKMSLDA04 Fully Automatic Dry Biochemical Analyzer is an advanced device that provides precise biochemical analysis for both human and veterinary applications. Compact and fully automated, this analyzer is equipped to handle a variety of sample types, سڄي رت سميت, plasma, and serum. With a built-in real-time quality control